Cable septic

Okay, I’ve spent a fair amount on my dream system. Voxativ 9.87 system, very efficient speakers, Vocation 211 integrated, ps audio Directstream DAC and power station, etc. I’m using pretty basic cables, mostly what came with my equipment.  I still remember a magazine article where they AB tested high end cables neatly separated vs a mess of cheap crap.   The result, nobody heard a difference. So, flash forward, what cables will make a difference?  Brand and which component in order of benefit. Thank you!
OP - I am guessing with a Porsche ( does your moniker mean anything ? ) you might not think Consumer Reports knows WHY a sports car exists, let alone what a good one entails...,so for what it’s worth, maybe ask Voxativ ????? You might find they care and can make some recommendations...

I like Audioquest, Nordost, Kimber, Cardas, and for speaker wire only a mother could love Anticables 
@unfairlane Rober has some very fine wire in his system, got a good deal on silver Audioquest, so I would say he is already there....$500 cables aren’t the lunatic fringe to some... great IF one can get them for $100 but let’s all be clear his wire is NOT the free junk that comes in the box....
For power cables at a decent price contact Chris at vh audio.  He also makes IC's or will help you with DIY projects.
To just learn a few things try a copper wire cable and a all silver cable to see if yo can hear a difference.  Then decide what you want your system to sound like.  I do hear differences but I can find bigger improvements else where such as adding an AC filter choke, better resistors and capacitors.  Then you can go form there.  I recently hear the changes that the Audioquest Niagara model 1200 made in two systems.  One was more pronounced that the other.  That may have been a bigger change that any cable I have tried ever made.  You have to experiment and observe and then learn what makes the sound change in this hobby.

Happy Listening.