Thank you everyone very much. I will take all this into account. I have been by my local hi-fi store and while it was helpful..they seemed to be only interested in selling me things beyond my budget. I just wasn’t carrying enough cash for them. That is why I turned to this forum. I did learn some great things while I was there. The vintage thing is interesting but difficult to find reviews etc. I will, however, keep looking at that idea.
Dear SOIX, As far as your remarks regarding my "blah, blah, blah". That was only a literary tool so as not to carry on too long. If you re-read my post, I had assumed that I had given everyone here, that I assume are professionals, enough bullet-point information with my age, my gear, my broad palette for music for them to see beyond my few words and give good advice. It seems that everyone else on the forum "caught" that except you. Your demeanor was unnecessary and quite unhelpful. I would humbly suggest that if a post by a noob irritates you, that it would be more beneficial to ask the noob for more info rather than come out of the gate scolding. Your approach is not welcoming at all and does not promote good will in this or any other forum. I’m sure you have years of experience that a noob like me...even at 57 yrs of age..would love to have..but I’ll take a happy tail wagging dog that’s glad to see me at the end of the day over a mean junkyard prick of a dog any day.
To everyone else a resounding thank you.