Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.

If you switch to M and P, it makes all the difference.
Instead of divergence, there’ll be convergence.
And there’ll be solution to the equations.

Now Albert’s coming back.
Make yourself a bit smart.

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea.
Until the fog horn sounds the alarm.
Our journey from sea to land. 

Hi Boxer you said

"The reason I'm asking is capacitor companies (these are people who made there life profession, capacitors), state there is a break in period."

exactly correct!

How many will read this and not understand or have the need to debate on is always mind blowing to me. I don't believe these debate teams are here for audio at all.


Prof: +1000.

I get weary of the thinly veiled insults.  And more wearying is the constant shilling for certain cable company.  

Almost as though he has stock in the company.... 

Now good that he likes them and believes in them.  

And good that he listens.

but not good how he insults others by insinuating that he has such superior ears that he knows better than everyone else.  Others can listen.  For sure.

And.... since sound waves can easily be measured (you cannot HEAR it if it is not a sound wave propagating through the air)... changes in electronics should be measurable.   Are measurable.  No data.. then it is just opinion.  There is NOTHING you can hear that sensitive measurement systems cannot pick up and quantify. 

Note: I have been an audiophile for just as long as he has.  since early 70's.  And have been actively listening since then.  My ears are well trained. I even produced music festivals and concerts for a time.  My last festival was so historic that the Smithsonian came out and recorded the 3 days for posterity.  

Not sure about  power  conditioners  but when I purchased speakers from a company that does online sales when I asked about break in the president of the company told me the only break in would be me getting used to the speakers. I should give it a month or two before I made a final decision.
Not sure about power conditioners but when I purchased speakers from a company that does online sales when I asked about break in the president of the company told me the only break in would be me getting used to the speakers. I should give it a month or two before I made a final decision.

>>>>“I’m not only the President of Hair Club I’m also a customer.” 🤗