JL Audio F113 or F112 For Dynaudio Confidence 5

I need a musical fast Sub mostly for music to go along with my Dynaudio Confidence 5. I was wondering if anyone had compared the f113 and the f112. I will not be buying stereo subs because I have neighbors and my room size is about 20x18
Can you hear a difference between these two subs when playing music? My priority is Music however I do listen to electronic music and they require deep bass. Thanks
As mentioned earlier, I had a 112 then went with two 113's. To me two are far more superior than one. I can't say the the 112 sounded worse than the 113, on it's own ( single sub drive) However, I have played the 113 solo and and a pair several times. There is NO comparison period. I agree that the JL's are superb with music. I can't comment with video and shaking walls doesn't do anything for me either. Get two of whatever and let it be done with ....... MHO
Thanks for all the advice, I might have to go for two F110 if that is the case. I have no space and electric outlets for two large subs. Must be nice to have a large home :-)
IMO, I have to diagree with the above posters.Its pretty common knowledge (assuming you just read threads on this site and havent had both at home like myself) that JL subs are better for HT and Rel for 2 channel.Im not really sure why you would not try a Rel,these guys dont have Dynaudio speakers/I do, so the imput really doesnt apply.I like to listen to those have been there done that..but thats just me.Enjoy the 110!
It isn't common knowledge that Rels are better than JL Audio for 2 channel. The sealed Jl's are fantastic for music. I have had both in my home and the Jl's were clearly better than the stadiums I tried. Rels measure notoriously poorly. Whether this means anything sonically is up to you to decide. I have nothing against Rel. I actually like them. Their new Gibraltar G1 ($4,000) just came out which uses a carbon fiber 12 inch driver in a sealed, curved cabinet. I would definately check one out. It uses speaker level connections like the other Rels which minimizes the impedance challange 2 low level JL subs could present to many preamps. I use a balanced tube buffer in my setup. If you go the JL route I would use the smaller F 112 which is easier to integrate than the 113. The best measured results come from the newer F 212 which uses a new driver and has vanishingly low distortion. It's 6K and so would be a substantial investment for a pair. - jim
Personally, I would go for the pair of F110s. Two subwoofers are far more accurate than one subwoofer because of the manner in which they energize the room. While Missioncooney likes his REL's, I have been very unimpressed with them when I have heard them and frankly think they are overpriced.

You might also want to check out a pair of Rythmik F12G subs while you are looking. They are a very musical, servo controlled 12" subwoofer and run $1350 plus shipping for a pair. Tyler Acoustics uses the Rythmik kit with his own enclosure for his subwoofers.