Anybody tried solid silver wire as a jumper on Maggies? Magnepan LRS or other models?

Been very happy with my magnepan LRS, received in August.  I don’t need to use the resistors in the attenuators on the back panel, so I am looking at the stock metal “jumpers”.  They look like steel, or perhaps plated copper (I guess I should use a magnet to check- but I am listening now and don’t want to turn the system off to check).

keep wondering if replacing them with a solid silver wire would make a sonic improvement.  Silver wire of various diameters is available on ebay and jewelry making places, and as I would only need a few inches, cost would be small. And silver is very ductile, so forming the wire in a U shape should be easy. I have heard of people using a jumper made by one of the speaker cable companies, but wouldn’t solid silver be better/easier/cheaper?

So, have any of you other Maggie owners tried this? And if so, was there a sonic improvement? Or difference?  thought I would ask before trying myself.


I use 1.5 mm mundorf silvergold wires, 2 pieces for woofers and 1 piece for highs. I believe they're better than small pieces of cardas crosslink which were better than the stock jumpers in themselves.
On my first Maggies(SMGa), I tried 1/8" solid silver rod.     Afterward, bypassed the fuse block and jumper connections completely, internally.     Did the bypass on those I owned following, as well(MMG, MG12, 1.7i).     Maggie’s jumpers are ferrous metal.