Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?

Subwoofers are a thing.  A thing to love.  A thing to avoid.  A misunderstood thing.  

What are your opinions on subwoofers?  What did you learn and how did you learn it? 

Subwoofers are a poor attempt in 2 channel listening.  If your speakers do not put out a decent bass response then it is what it is.  Subwoofer integration should be left for Home Theatre enthusiasts looking for bombs going off in their listening spaces.  I have tried sub integration and as a Bass player it does no justice.  Buy a speaker that produces a proper bass responce there are enough out there. puzzles me why individuals buy speakers with poor bass response...

Bah ! Subwoofers ! You kids and your rock and roll music . 
My mains have all the bass response I’m sure some would like to have . But i also want six subs . And since i do what i want ..
seriously though i think people do not use them properly to get a hifi effect out of them . I guarantee the majority could turn them down a notch to achieve proper reinforcement. Turn it down to the point where you actually have to feel the woofer to see its on . Then leave it there chances are if its in the right location as explained ten times on here it will sound perfect . 
Regardless of your main speaker capability in the bass, there will be instances where you will need bass re-enforcement in the room. This is going to be dependent on the room size and acoustics. The alternative is also true ( but far less often). For example, I know of a fellow a'phile who uses large Wilson Alex 2 speakers in a relatively small room. The Alex 2's have large bass drivers and can drop down into the lower 20Hz range. This fellow tried to integrate subs into his room, with little success. The reason...simple! Because the main speakers were large enough to fill his room with accurate ( this is the key point here) bass! In this particular case, it was obvious ( well to most experienced a'philes who listened to this system) that adding additional bass that essentially overloaded the room was actually undesirable! OTOH, in most other cases with speakers that can go into the low to mid 20Hz's with some ease, adding a subwoofer of commensurate quality ( Yes, that is also a very very important factor) will allow for a more defined stage and more accurate ambience retrieval.
 I recently attended a demo of the new ( and superb) YG subwoofer. In the VERY large room that this was demoed, it was quite obvious that the subwoofer was a major addition to the overall SQ. The main speakers were well equipped to drop down to 25-30Hz...YG Sonja's...but add the subwoofer and the whole became a lot more than the parts. Something that is quite obvious once you experience it...and perhaps less so if you are just theorizing!