Silver wiring for interconnects

I recently changed internal wiring on my Merlin VSM-Mx speakers to Neotech Silver OCC5N solid core. I find sound beeing nice/smooth but still detailed even more so than original without a hint of edge/sharpness. Sound gets more fleshier/full as time goes with better soundstage. I was very sceptical before changing and it wasn´t until reading very positive reviews, especially on Neotechs, I dared.
I use Siltech and Zen silver cables in my system, hence change for better synergy.

I now consider making own IC:s from Neotech but would like to hear other opinion/ideas about: wiring thickness, isolating/damping material and design concept.
For speakers, internal wiring was isolated/damped with pure cotton, no teflon. Used 3x20awg on mid/woofer and 2x20awg on tweeter.

Many Thanks!
Hi Face!
I´ll take that into consideration.
These silver cables are wonderful in my Merlins, so relaxed and natural sounding, no fatigue whatsoever.
Sound gets better as time goes, I read 200-400 hours before fully "burnt in". Just passed 170 hours.

Many Thanks!
I can't speak to DIY interconnects (IC), but I will tell you that I tried the Audioquest King Cobra IC, which are silver...and that is all I run now.

I also did an A/B comparison with the PS Audio Premier Power Cable (silver), and the PS Audio AC12 Power Cable (copper), and I am using the Premier. I am a real believer in the quality of sound that silver produces.

Speaker cables will be next. :-)
Hi Manterror!
I also believe in silver nowdays, believe production methods has improved over past years. Purity of material, OOC-method in keeping boundaries of electrons passing through to a minimum I would like to belive has a positive effect and not only theoretically.

Good Luck!
Hey Clabe,

I really never thought it would make a difference in sound quality. My friend convinced me to try it, and it was shocking how much of a difference the silver made. So much smoother...the copper seemed to veil the sound to me. Let us know what you decide man.

Hi Manoterror!
I will but first I would like to ask the "audience" if any of You out there has recommendation of proper wire gauge for interconnects. I believe the bigger the signal the bigger the diameter. Therefore interconnect has smaller diameter then speaker wire.
I would imagine strand size (solid core) of 22-25 AWG,
please correct me if I´m wrong.
Also shielding and material as insulator is important, especially for smaller signals running through interconnects.

Many Thanks!