A moderate priced dac

I borrowed a musical fidelity tri vista 21 dac from a friend and I was very impressed with the sound compared to my parasound p5 pre. This dac is over 10 years old. Has the technology changed enough that a moderately price dac can compete?Any suggestions?
A used Ayre Codex will smoke just about anything out there, and for a bit more than $1K, I believe it one of the best performers out there for the money.
A Schiit Yggy or Gungnir would be a close second.
I owned the Modi, and Bifrost, and can say you really have to move up the line in order to enjoy the sound quality benefits.-Though Schiit demurs from categorizing models sound-wise, they do seem to know/price their products accordingly.
In keeping with the spirit of your post; The MHDT Orchid would destroy, obliterate, demolish, make the Codex sound like a toy, make the Ayre sound broken, kill it and utterly make minced meat of it! 😁.
@grannyring ,
Well, it is cheap enough to give it a try.
Too bad no balanced connectors, though.