Ohm F-5015 used purchase

I have a neighbor looking to move and part ways with his Ohm F-5015 set.
They are powered with a SAE 2400L, along with a SAE P102, and T102 tuner.
He's including a Sansui SR-535 turntable and his vinyl record collection.
If I buy this combo, does anyone have any helpful opinions?
I believe he's asking a fair price but I'm very new to the Ohm name and just looking for a little advice.
Well the electronics other than the speakers sound vintage so be sure everything is in good working order and the price is fair.  

Can you hear the setup before buying?   That's always best.

May I ask how much is being asked?
I listened to everything yesterday some vinyl sounded great, others ho hum as I figured. He has a 1,000 sq ft room while mine is 330 sq ft. It seems he’s just throwing in the electronics in the price just to entice buyers with a complete setup. He’s asking $6500
The SAE preamp, amp and tuner are only worth a few hundred apiece. About $600 for the set. 
There are not many Ohm 5015s out there to establish resale value but new they go for over $10K.  THey deliver a lot of good sound for the price and are very adjustable to the room which is very useful.

I have Ohm F5s, similar to 5015s but no built in subs.   

If you like the Ohms, need subs and would prefer to not have them separate then 5015s are the way to go and if in good shape you are getting them for a very good discount compared to new.

@robertjerman Thanks.

@mapman I’m on the fence. Ideally I’d love to audition equipment in a retail store and decide what I’d like to upgrade to. His is plug and play and I could always upgrade electronics down the road. He’s very motivated to sell and he’s also throwing in roughly 2500 vinyl albums. It’s still an option for me.