Streaming Tidal - What hardware is out there beyond the Bluesound

Bluesound Node 1 has been great with streaming Tidal. I’ve upgraded my system and believe that I can likely do better with the sound quality. This is especially given that Tidal is adding more and more hi def music.

I’m thinking the Bluesound Node 2 as the natural upgrade. I would like to know if there are other options to get the best sound. I can’t spend more than $500 on the equipment.


Magnepan MG .7
Audible Illusions Modulus 2d
Bryston 4b-st amp
Rythmik f12 sub
Bluesound Node
Tidal streaming
I hope those Vandies are keeping you happy. And +1 for the Ayre Codex, when I stopped by Audioconnection, Johnny played music through the Bluesound Vault and the Codex. It was so impressive, I bought a used on here on Agon.
+1 for both the Auralic Aries Mini and the Bluesound Node 2. I own both units.  I originally bought the Aries Mini for it's DSD capabilities.  Since I have now replaced my entire SONOS system with Bluesound, I now have a couple of Node 2's as well.  I can confirm that they both sound great with Tidal MQA streaming.  Bluesound has better software at this point and Auralic has said that they will NOT develop an Android app, if that matters to you...
I stream from a windows laptop through a Cardas Clear USB, to a Schiit Yiggy . I haven’t experienced the problems mentioned . The Cardas Cable Made a noticeable difference over an Audioquest Cinnamon. I have a Musical Fidelity’s transport that was recently serviced at the factory . I can switch between  either a balanced digital cable or a Morrow Digital unbalanced RCA . So on the fly ( using the Schiit inputs ), I can switch from the laptop Tidal , to the same CD with 2 different cables into my tube pre . All 3 sound very close . I’m waiting on the arrival of the Project StreamBox Ultra S2 next week . I’ll replace the laptop and use the same Cardas Clear USB cable . And see what happens . I didn’t try the Bluesound 2i . I was very interested in the Small Green Computer, but I have to run via Wi-Fi for now . Like that Spiritual slogan “ More Will Be Revealed “. Happy Listening , Mike B.