Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space

I am looking for comments on what speakers you have heard that provide a lot of depth, but with the depth, also layering and separation in the depth or soundfield.

Width and openess is one thing, but depth with layering and space from front to back is much rarer.

One speaker that recently impressed me was the PSB Synchrony One with Mcintosh amp and front end.

I've demoed a lot of equipment but don't hear this aspect that often.

Any comments or experiences to share?
I think were missing it, because we’re not just listening to speakers. Sure some speakers are more capable than others, but! As I have auditioned different amps, preamps, and cables I have been amazed at how each of them has affected the soundstage, spacing between instruments and front to back placement. I had a home audition of some raved about, relatively expensive speaker cable a couple weeks ago that totally collapsed the soundstage. System synergy is more important than one component.
Same as mentioned above and from my experience, Avalon for depth, layering, spaciousness of music, although I like Kharma quite a bit too...
Small ProAc speakers in the Response series, and the tablettes. Set up and synergy must be right, but they can certainly do it
Nothing IME can touch the MBL 101. If they come down in price $50K or $60K, I'm all over a pair.
