Stand-mount speaker/monitor recommendation

Looking for recommendations for natural, resolving, engaging monitors that match well with mid-powered tube amplification (~20Wpc > 8 Ohms). I’m moving up from the likes of Devore 3s and Harbeth P3ESR.

Considering speakers like the Omega Super Alnico High Output.

Ortofon Black > Rega RP6 > Musical Surroundings Nova II (Herron VTPH2 waiting in the wings) > Line Magnetic 518 >

(revision of an earlier thread)
It’s possible the Joseph Audio Prism could work.  They don’t specify sensitivity, but minimum impedance is stated to be 7Ohms. 
I have a pair of Omega Super Alnico Monitors paired with an Aric Audio 18wpc SE KT88 amplifier and I think they sound fantastic. They don't go very low in bass but the bass that they deliver is clean and extremely tuneful and textured for the type of music I listen. Another option I had considered was Tekton Design Impact Monitors which should also sound great with low-mid power tube amps like your LM 518. They are probably closer to full-range but I'm doubtful if they can deliver the "soul" that the Omega speakers deliver.
Thanks all for taking the time to answer.

Verdantaudio, will take a look at the Focals you recommend.

Soix, I have experience with the Joseph Audio RM7 si. A nice speaker. I'll look into the Prism.

Kalali, here's my latest attempt to describe what I listen to. Thoughts on how the Omegas would fare? 

"I listen to a fairly broad range of music, with at least 50% being instrumental, often featuring some combination of (or by themselves) percussion, acoustic bass, guitar, piano and horns. I also listen to pop/rock of all eras, everything up to hard rock. Some reggae, soul/funk, and international artists (Africa + South America). 70s spiritual/space jazz (Pharaoh Sanders, Archie Shepp, Sun Ra) is often in the mix. Some classical. Extended late night sessions, mostly vinyl. Super Black Market Clash drops in occasionally."

You hooked me with the "instrumental music." The Harbie SHL5+ is technically a stand mount.  A tad bass light for me, but for near field listening it's hard to beat especially with your LM amp.
@dotchaos what did you end up with it?

i am using a LM 518ia with Omega Super 6 Alnico Towers. Great combination. I’ve also had Harbeth C7’s with the 518ia. Enjoyable but very different than Omega. The Super Alnico can play more genres of music better than the harbeths imo. The omegas are faster vs C7’s being more slow, polite and laid back.