Upgrades to Sota Cosmos IV

Hi all,

My Sota Cosmos IV is currently back at the factory for a service and some upgrades.  I was wondering whether to do the Pump/Power Supply Series VI upgrades and the Eclipse DC motor upgrades. 

Has anyone upgraded their older Cosmos to current specs and did both of these upgrades make any significant difference to its performance? The only upgrade I was contemplating was the platter to the new magnetic revelation platter.

The costs of the upgrades be better spent on a new cartridge?


jazzco1, I have a Cosmos. I would most definitely get the total eclipse package. If your pump is working well leave it alone. 
I always love new cartridges but the cost of a good cartridge is way more than the eclipse upgrade. What arm and cartridge are you using now?

Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response.  I use a Fidelity Research FR64fx and an Alphason Xenon MCS with an Ortofon Rohmann.

Did you upgrade to the total eclipse package? What was the main improvements that you heard?


I recently upgraded the motor and bearing on my Jewel (keep your old platter).  My old motor was having a hard time keeping speed.  The new ones are amazingly precise.  The maglev bearing is dead quiet. However i do have a few reservations.  I had to clean and oil the bearing twice before things settled in.  2 pieces of advice:  1-Don't let Donna talk you into anything.  She will sell you the world.  2-Christian is a great guy and if you have any issues contact him directly.