Need advice on new TT

Hi all

I'm currently using a restored Garrarad 301 but looking to go for a modern TT. Budget is around 20k$
My short list so far is Brinkmann Balance, Kronos Sparta and AMG Viella. I'm looking only for a table to use with my current 2 arms - Reed 3p and Ortofon 309D.
Any thoughts you wanna share with me on this ?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.
a used Wave Kinetics NVS is a great 2 arm turntable......and you can find one in the $20k range.

very low noise, great energy, and really great build quality. i’d view it as a step above those other choices you list.

i owned a restored Garrard 301, and own the NVS realize how big a step it is.
Interesting choice of tables. The wave Kinetic is a fabulous table but I am very nervous with used tables. It does not take much to damage a bearing.
Of the three you have chosen I think the AMG is the best. I do not like turntables with separated motors. The Kronos is a plain Jane turntable in a flashy chassis. The counter rotating business in the more expensive units is just plain silliness. You really should consider the SME 20/12.
It is one of the best isolated and stabilized turntables you can buy and has a build quality above the ones you have chosen. It also has a great record hold down system.  You can get a second arm board and switching between arms is a snap.  
Technics Sp-10R is the best you can get for the money, it can be used with two tonearms, for example you can look at OMA state of the art plinth for it. This is the best Coreless Direct Drive motor available today at any price. Read more at Artisan Fidelity. 

And BTW the stock Technics plinth designed for 3 tonearms

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Brinkmann fan here, have a Bardo w Triplaner on HRS base

The Tube power supply is excellent 

the AMG is also excellent:-)

have fun, enjoy your music and the quest