Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
I have found, in my audio system, that there are places E-Mats work and don't work (or negatively work).  If I can tell the difference in effect, they must do something.  I have a dozen and find them most positively effective placed on power panels and isolation transformers.  Next on my tube pre-amp and phono pre-amp.  I have found that they negatively impact the sound placed on my new DAC and have no apparent effect on my large mono-block tube amps.  There is a limit in what I can spend at this time, so I haven't purchased the gate.  The Stop-Its are reasonably priced which are my next purchase.  SR's small products (fuses, duplex outlets and HFTs) have been a huge success in my system and room at affordable cost.  There Black Box was a failure wherever I placed it in the room.  From the above experience, I doubt anyone would find me believing in snake oil or having human frailty of emotional facilities which blind me to the truth.  The truth is in my experience.  Other audiophiles will find the same or different truths as each audio system and room are different; hence, trial and error method in the use of tweaks.  90 day money back guarantee from PPT and 30 day from SR certainly make it enticing to try their audio tweaks.

"I see the nature of these uncivilized apes and their simian spouses every time I get on the local freeway."
Civilized class act, in writing.
What I find disconcerting are the individuals who have never tried a product denigrating said product, the companies who make it and those who try it.

Which is my point exactly Iwin. Some of the replies to my posts as you've mentioned above all have the same theme of "They're right, I'm wrong, they're smart, I'm dumb..."
And if they shout louder, or post more frequently, then it must be true and surely I will be enlightened.
I'm not enamoured by the abuse and continued denial of others' experiences, as though we have been tricked, are foolish and are willfully trying to deceive others.

fleschler ...

You’ll have to come up soon to hear what The Gate, the Stop-Its, and the new Omega *Plus* Mats are doing. If you were to apply the *Plus* Mats to your Legacy Focus and Signature III speakers, you wouldn’t want to leave home. Not even to replenish your food supply. :-)

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