New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


"At this point, I’m up to five Omega + E Mats on each speaker..."
Is it still those Legacy Audio Signature III speakers pictured in your virtual system?

If yes, those speakers were around $4500 many years, if not more than a decade or two, ago. They probably go for much less these days. Omega Mats you are using are $6000.

Nothing wrong with having a hobby, but it would definitely be an unusual approach. Did you change/upgrade the speakers?
@glupson do you really think oregonpapa pays anywhere near retail? Most likely less than 50% 

You are right, I did not think about that. Still, quick search shows some of those speaker sales in low $1000s. Considering that, even $3000 in mats seems to be unusual.

Despite of what (incorrect) image I have here, I was wondering would investing those $6000, even $3000, into newer speakers be better. That particular model seems to be very old (someone on the Internet mentioned he had them from late 1990s). Even the latest samples must be years old now. Technology has evolved and all the parts eventually age. Maybe buying a two or three year old speakers now would not be completely bad idea.

Of course, that would take away the fun of playing with different parts, for the same money, so it would depend on what someone is really looking for in all of this.
glupson ...

Nope, never had any inclination to change or upgrade the Signature IIIs. Those are the same speakers I’ve had all along for sure. They replaced a pair of Martin Logan Aries-i speakers. That was one of the best moves I’ve ever made in my trek down the audio trail.

The original price with the finish on these Signature III’s was around $5,000. I bought mine used for $2100.00 plus shipping close to fifteen years ago.

So, let’s consider that someone bought a pair of Signature III’s today for $2000.00 (they can be had for much less), then placed $6000.00 worth of the new Omega *Plus* Mats on them as I have. I would challenge you to find a speaker that retails for $8,000 that could compete with what I have going. It wouldn’t even be close.

One of my favorite speakers is the Harbeth 40.2’s. They are one of the most tonally correct speakers on the planet. The Harbeth’s are absolutely emotionally and musically involving. They sell for around $16,000, maybe more depending upon the finish. That’s twice the money that would be invested in the totals above ... and the results I’ve obtained are far better than what I’ve ever heard from the Harbeths. And don’t take this as a slam to the Harbeths. They are an outstanding speaker.

Imagine all of the tonality of the Harbeth 40.2’s, plus better highs, better bass, and more "see-through" clarity. That will give you an inkling of what I’ve got going on here.

Too bad you don’t live within driving distance. I’d love for you to sit down for a demo. For sure ... I’d have to pry your jaws off of the floor. *lol*
