Lampizator Amber 3 DAC versus Primaluna EVO 100 DAC

Curious if anyone has listened to both of these units.  Single ended with no volume control, they're basically the same price ($2750 for Lampizator and $2999 for the Primaluna).  I've seen outstanding reviews for both, but haven't been able to audition either. Any idea how they differ in SQ?

Anyone care to compare either of these to the Cambridge Audio 851N (My current streamer/DAC).
I would be interested in hearing both also.  The Primaluna looks very interesting.
I have not heard the EVO 100 but I just bought a used LampizatOr Amber, the original model, and if Amber 3 is an improved version of the original Amber, then you're in for a treat. It has a lush and engaging midrange without trading of any detail on both ends of the sound spectrum. I don't know how true to source it sounds but it definitely has less glare around horn instruments and cymbals and vocals are very well defined. Someone mentioned MHDT Orchid, and I tried a friend's unit in my system and it sounded great, perhaps a more balanced sound compared to the Amber, but for Jazz and vocals, especially at lower listening volumes,  I still find the sound from Amber has more presence. Some may call this "colored", just like the sound from most tube preamp/amps, which I have, but I find it very pleasant to my ears.    
 Still asking about these DACs, also the Tubadour. If you were gifted one, which of the 3 would you want & why?
The Lampizator and Primaluna both look to be great tube DAC designs. Not to derail this thread, but if you're researching tubed DACs add the Musical Paradise MP-D2 to the list. It offers a ton of flexibility with the option to swap tubes, caps, and even DAC chips.
I'm beginning to think I'll never make a decision. I can't audition any of these, and it seems none of our Audiogon members have first hand knowledge of them either.