Should I sell my accuphase for this schiit

I have a super bad ass totally restored Accuphase p-250. I kind of really want to buy a pair of schiit aegir and use them as monoblock amps.  Am I crazy? Will the aegir blow me away? What do you think? 
This is for a bedroom system. 
Source: node 2i 
DAC: Gungnir Multibit 
Preamp: Schiit Freya+Amp: Accuphase p250
speakers: ascend acoustics sierra 2ex 
all the usual tweaks. 

@georgehifi remember we covered that the Sierra2ex are not setup For bi-wire. I’m not sending them back and getting them to customize it. Maybe they would send me a new posts and crossover and I could pop it in. If I did that I would just keep the accuphase for the bass instead of buying a Vidar BUT... because the RAAL tweeters are the part of the speaker that needs the watts (I think I just made that up) I don’t think the aegir would work anyway. And plus.... putting in a passive switch and all that just seems like more schiit in the signal path. I mean in theory ok it works, but.....
forum corrects you with facts
Sorry but no one has correct anything, as they covered themselves by saying to you, "they still claim "bi-amping is best for "optimum sound quality".

Which itself tells you bi-amping two stereo amps  is better than mono'ing or bridging two stereo amps. Which all comes down to tested performance specs.
I’m not sure that bridging the amp is a problem either.
It’s your money Andrew, Just Google the disadvantages of bridging/mono'ing stereo amps and spend time and look at many posts on it to get the right answer.
I didn’t need to because I bench tested it for myself and all the parameters I mentioned in my 2nd post take a hit for the worse save for the higher wattage.

Cheers George
@georgehifi I am unclear - have you actually listened to a bridged vs stereo aegir?? All I know is that you said that the detailed review i linked above might have pushed the stereo Aegir past it’s limit. While bridging may in theory have some negative aspects that does not mean that two bridged Aegirs won’t sound better than the op’s accuphase. Particularly based on *actual* reviews/tests we have seen so far.

As the op has mentioned a couple of times, the Sierra’s are simply not bi-ampable and dave@ascend is certainly not going to modify them to do so at any reasonable cost. I think it’s quite plausible that the op will really enjoy a pair of Aegir monoblocks.

I would be very interested in trying a pair myself ... but the Schiit return policy is actually crap compared to most other internet direct brands. Only 15 days + shipping both ways + restocking fee??? Compared to 30/60 days, free return shipping (even subs), and no restocking fees from other brands. So it would cost me $200 to try out a pair of Aegirs. I don’t get why people think Schiit has such as good trial/return policy. And warranties are not even transferrable.