Billy Cobham Question

I just picked up a used copy of Bill Cobham's "Warning" album. I wasn't aware of it until now. Inside the sleeve is a folder. Inside the folder is a picture of Billy playing live and what looks like a cover letter from Nancy Goldstein from GRP Records. She briefly talks about the album and quote "If you'd like to interview Billy, please call me at 212-777-0736" Under the cover letter is four page biography of Billy Cobham. It all looks hand typed and then copied. Do any of you Cobham fans know what all this is? Those of you who have a copy, do you also have these documents? Not sure what I have here. It's the first time I've run across this. Any information would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. -Blair
Sounds like a press kit from someone handling promotion/ management for Cobham. Promo copies were sent out with kit to get interviews or gigs.
Wow, that's pretty cool! Thanks for the info.  Everything is in really good condition except one problem. About an inch of the lower right corner has been cut off. The vinyl itself looks very good. Thanks to all for the replies.
Cut corner may mean it was a promo copy/not for sale that were given out for promotion.