Maximizing VPI Prime Performance

My good table is a Sota Cosmos VI with SME V and Transfiguration Proteus cartridge. I happen to have a VPI Prime with HW 40 arm on it for my casual listening table. Currently a ZYX 4D is installed. 

The question is what can be done to the Prime to up its game? I have ordered a Waynes Audio periphery clamp as an experiment to see if I can get close to the vacuum system the Sota has. Honestly looks like a bit of a pain in the butt to use. 

I am considering the Symposium Audio Segue Iso shelf, and the inserts for the Prime feet. 

Are there any other upgrades folks have found beneficial for the table? In a way this one will get more use in terms of hours over the Sota, so getting it to be the best it can would be beneficial. 

Mister Pig
VPI Prime as the backup? Not bad.

I always struggled to hear an audible difference with the peripheral clamp. Maybe if one is using terribly warped records in the first place? The simple screw down clamp/rubber washer seems to do a pretty good job of making sure a record is flat as possible on my VPI. I wasn’t sold on the peripheral clamp thing, glad I didn’t open my wallet for that one.YMMV

I have the Mapleshade footers/maple slab under mine. Does it actually do the things in the website write up? Well, maybe not as much as reported. It's quite subtle, but it sure makes the table look sharp. I think the lateral give in my $150 Sanus, along with the low tech Mapleshade approach actually does some isolation. I can jump up and down in front of the table without audible/visible harm. YMMV
The Stillpoints LP isolator was a nice tweak for me and helped eliminate vibrations of the vinyl. The result is a slightly smoother more well defined sound with significantly less "tizziness" in the high end that I did not realize was there until it was eliminated.
Not a vacuum hold down---but a nice move in that direction.
Why the Waynes periphery clamp? Cost? As you say, it looks a pain to use. I’d bought the VPI as it’s made to work well with their tts.

Avoid screw down spindle clamps! Why does one want to reconnect with the tts’ bearing? Bad idea! I made the right move and invested in an ORB Record Flattener instead of a periphery ring.

I concur with the Stillpoints LP-1

I recommend MyMat. PM me.