Network Switches

The switch should always be as close has possible to the servers, the server should also be fed through a great LPS as well has the router and anything in the chain should be fed through an lps. for long runs of cable use fiber optic and run the FMC off a LPS.

Another suggestion is to have all switches,lps, fmc's on a good shelf isolated and even dampening plates on top. Also replace those cheap dc cables that come with them with high quality aftermarket dc cables another big jump in sq.

I don’t see any technical flaws in what was said in the review you linked to. But of course the measurements and listening tests the reviewer performed involved one specific DAC, which for example is a very different animal than the Lyngdorf TDAI 3400 used by @discopants with the same switch.

Also, I see that the DAC (which btw is incorrectly referred to in several places in the review as the "Matrix i"; it was correctly referred to in one place near the end of the review as the "Element i") does not provide gigabit Ethernet capability. I’m not sure how many audio components having Ethernet connectivity are capable of operating at gigabit speeds (as opposed to 10/100), but I suppose that any such components might tend to be more susceptible to coupling of very high frequency noise (at hundreds of MHz or more) associated with the risetimes and falltimes of the Ethernet signal, that I referred to a few posts back.

As @atdavid aptly said a few posts back:

The question is, how good were the circuit designers at either end in ensuring noise didn’t get onto or coupled from the Ethernet "signal"?

Best regards,
-- Al

I agree with Al....I did not find any technical flaws with the review either. Based on the measurements alone, the reviewer makes a very compelling argument about the noise and jitter present or its non-existence in a Ethernet signal.

I try not to ‘condemn’ a component unless I had a first hand experience with it. Those of you found etherREGEN worth some degree of improvement in your setup, continue to enjoy!