You're : you are
Your: possessive
Your: possessive
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
audiozenology"You’re : you are Your: possessive" Thank you English is not my first language and I sometimes make mistakes it is very difficult language to master! Mostly I am "conversational" in English but electricity is an international language so it is easy to see where your knowledge gaps are unless I misunderstand your English which does not seem to be the the actual case. |
jerrybj"The pitfalls of being a teacher." No thank you I am always learning your language and appreciate your help and reminders! |
It is strange dynaquest4 how some people want to show their lack of knowledge. I guess I am just here to help them .. probably would have been smart for them to find out how I spent a good part of my career. Oh well. |