Network Switches

The man who did the measuring also did a listening test, said he found it didn't  sound any different than his regular switch, said it might be worth $100 but not $680. 
He never hears a difference and is predisposed to find such an outcome. He is not, and does not care to be, a careful listener passionate about sonic nuance. Realism, natural tonality and the like elude his sensibilities and gifting.   He is a tech guy not connected to these other realities.  Just understand that when reading his comments. 
I have to admit from the odd times I have perused that audioscience site they do appear to be overly obsessed with measurements with the conclusion being if they could not measure a difference then there simply cannot be a difference.

Which I think the vast majority here know to be untrue.

I was interested to see other members reactions to that review in particular though and if it had a any influence on your purchase or not of the Upton Audio product?
He never hears a difference and is predisposed to find such an outcome. He is not, and does not care to be, a careful listener passionate about sonic nuance. Realism, natural tonality and the like elude his sensibilities and gifting.   He is a tech guy not connected to these other realities.  Just understand that when reading his comments
A nice example of expectation bias hiding behind an agenda. It's like claiming a moral high ground from which to preach down to.

All the best,


I was interested to see other members reactions to that review in particular though and if it had a any influence on your purchase or not of the Upton Audio product?
None whatsoever. For all I know, that review was "written" a year ago, when the EtherRegen was announced