dissapointed - new LS50w's vs old PioneerFS52's/Luxman R113 - so far Kef's not so great?

windows pc system,
listened an hour thus far, the Kef's are sitting on top of the Pioneers, straddling a computer desk, at the moment Kef's are usb connected and the luxman feeds into the pc via 3.5mm so I can kind of a/b
I plan on getting iso acoustic pucks soon

gotta say quite underwhelmed thus far, maybe a touch more clarity and imaging from kefs, slightly crisper highs
bass is not really close much better on the pioneers

I've played around with the app just a bit, guessing the kefs need break in also?
getting swan m300's next but not before I'm sure I've given the kefs a thorough workout over a few hundred hours

some really good advice on this thread, thanks everyone
they've gone back to the store
obviously I didn't get full break in, but I experimented with the setup exhaustively and ran enough music through them to know that I don't like them mostly due to tonality, not my flavour
I also think there are some serious limitations to these speakers and that they're highly overrated

without the above feedback from everyone I would have probably continued on with frustration past the return period and likely sell for half what I paid as these things are everywhere on the used market
thanks again all

Although not my cup of tea, there is nothing wrong with the LS50W other than the apps. The bass is deep and full and they offer quasi-room placement compensation. Given the description:

the Kef’s are sitting on top of the Pioneers, straddling a computer desk,

it’s no wonder they don’t sound good, especially the bass. I’ve owned the passives for three years. They want to be affixed to the stand’s plate and ideally a very heavy stand (mine are filled with dried sand). How else are you going to get the most out of a small speaker if it’s moving around? Without question, the passives need a sub. The Ws not so much. I’ve heard them many times and demoed them extensively in multiple size rooms. As mentioned by others they need a bit of time.

They need quite a bit of time to break in.  The mellow out a bit, which is needed.  The passives had zero bass and really no slam in my modest set-up but they imaged like crazy and some female vocals would send shivers up my spine. I could see how people could be underwhelmed with the Passives, especially on low to mid hifi front ends.   I got rid of them because the LS50W’s had so much more bass and I thought I’d like the app.  I didn’t. The app is awful and I always wondered if the electronics would go out and then what would you do?

That being said, New Ls50W’s with an extended warranty (5years on electronics?), a bluesound node 2i in order to bypass Kefs crappy app, and 2 10” or 12” subs sounds absolutely outstanding.  Both a friend and my brother are running LS50W’s on isoacoustics on top of solid, sand filled metal stands, in conjunction with 2 Rel T9i subs and everyone who hears their systems are floored.

Set-up, break in, placement are all key in any system.  I ran my LS50’s straight for 200-300 hours before they relaxed.  In my room they sounded best far apart and with very little toe in.  
I had Dynaudio Xeo 6’s after and preferred them even though they were limited to 16/44 and didn’t have the detail of the LS50W’s.