Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
A linear power supply should be used in the Dyson vacuum for grooming the carpet...
people I trust say it matters over carpet, otherwise skip
But having said that, I have a nice chunk of Myrtlewood reserved for just this experiment.... will cut it .....
I think Cardas actually cut their little wooden doohickeys into Golden Ratio-sized blocks. Gotta keep to the program, right? In for a dime, in for a dollar. Even better, for a bunch of 'em!

Hi spoutmouzert

I am the original "Cable Ground" designer. We starter the industry on raising cables in the early 80’s. Anything that a cable touches and the environment the cable is in affects the sound. There are lots of generations of cable risers to explore from lots of people.

It’s a well worth while journey whether you DIY or trying existing products.

good luck, have fun

Michael Green