Should I sell my accuphase for this schiit

I have a super bad ass totally restored Accuphase p-250. I kind of really want to buy a pair of schiit aegir and use them as monoblock amps.  Am I crazy? Will the aegir blow me away? What do you think? 
This is for a bedroom system. 
Source: node 2i 
DAC: Gungnir Multibit 
Preamp: Schiit Freya+Amp: Accuphase p250
speakers: ascend acoustics sierra 2ex 
all the usual tweaks. 

@georgehifi Wow . Thanks so much for this diagram. You even included names of each component. Thanks so much.
Thanks, you may not even need the Sys if the gains of the Aegir and Vidar amps are the same. (unlikely if different manufacturers, but a possibility from the same Schiit) 
But if you do you and it's on the Vidar you can also vary the Sys to use it for "those odd recordings" that may need a bit more bass or a little less bass, or visa versa if it on the Aegir, a liitle more or less treble.
So it will almost be like having a control to vary the tonality of the sound if needed, with certain recordings

Cheers George
George is spot on.  I don’t know why people will ask questions, get a valid, well thought out response from someone more knowledgeable about the question they initially asked, and then disagree and try to school them.

@b_limo what do you mean? I’ve sent an email to the speaker designer at ascend asking about new crossovers and posts... no response yet. I get that george is great, but I’d still have to do surgery on my speakers to make his idea work. Schiit did say when you run an aegir in mono it’s not bridged.. it’s true monoblock. I think George has a neat idea but as far as the question of selling my accuphase I don’t think I should at this point. If anything I’ll wait to hear back from ascend about speaker surgery 
@b_limo @georgehifi  
here is my response from dave... the guy who built my speakers. 
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the inquiry and I am happy to hear that you are enjoying the Sierra-2EX!

We do not offer a kit to convert a speaker into bi-wire/bi-amp ready. Doing so requires extensive modification to the crossover, as well as drilling and installing another set of binding posts into the cabinet. Also, using 2 different amplifiers for the same speaker is not recommended. If you were going to do this, it is important that the amplifiers used are 100% identical. The term bi-amping gets thrown around a lot these days - often without any understanding.

Hope this helps!

Good Sound To You!

David Fabrikant
The term bi-amping gets thrown around a lot these days - often without any understanding.

 This sounds more like I couldn’t be bothered.
Like I said an experienced tech would take about an hour to do it and the parts cost are a pair of speaker terminal, I’ve done quite a few in the passed, it’s easy even for someone with basic electronic skills.

And sorry to tell you but they do do it.

Cheers George