Upgrade Speaker Cables or Interconnects

New to audio - I want to update my cables.  What will give me the best results - speaker or interconnect upgrade? Currently running blue jeans speaker and interconnect cables. System - Hegel 160 - Acram CDS 050 - Golden Ear 2+ speaker's.

1. P O W E R C O N D I T I ON E R
2. PC’s
3. IC’s
4. Speaker cables

+1 chaZZZy
When I used Transparent Audio cables, their recommended upgrade path was IC from source to pre, then speaker cables, then IC from pre to amp
You forget some things

A listing of mine from 2007:
My main system (Plinius) is totally Merlin. Verdi, Vivaldi interconnects, Scorpion, Tarantula and Black Widow power, with Scorpion speaker cables.
Replaced my Van den Hul which replaced my QED which replaced my Slinkylinks which replaced Kimber PBJ which replaced my USA Stout silver which replaced Dick Smith's finest.
Keep your cables and try a set of Daedalus DiD’s under your Hegel and be prepared to have your mind blown. What do you feel your current cables aren’t offering you? Are your IC’s balanced or single ended? Your Golden Ears are non biwire I believe so no need to ask about jumpers. You’re just going to have to experiment but being you don’t have to deal with single or biwire cables or jumpers if I had to take a stab I’d start with IC’s and look at balance if you haven’t yet. Hopefully you have some local shops to let you drag some cables home or audiophile friends nearby... if not buy used and if you don’t like resale. Good luck.
You didn't mention power cables on your Triton 2+'s. I have a pair of these speakers and used Blue Jean speaker cables on them for a little while.

I upgraded both the PCs and speaker cables and noticed the biggest difference in the speaker cables, but at least a modest upgrade in power cords is worth doing. 

I tried a few different speaker cables from Nordost, AQ, and DH Labs, and decided I liked the sound of the DH Labs Q-10 the best, but I have different electronics and front end. None of these were terribly expensive, but I thought the AQ (Mammoth) and Q-10 cable was a nice improvement over the BJ cables. I'm sure you could do even better with more expensive cables if you have the budget.