Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?

A friend has loaned me the Nordost Valhalla I and II as well as Nordost Frey 2 cables. They are wonderful speaker cables but do emphasize the "brightness" of my system including my Wilson audio Sahsa 2 speakers.

Any suggestions? Would used Transparent cables provide a richer bottom end? What about Audience Reference?

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. - Thank you - Gerry
I have what used to referred to as some of Wilson's least forgiving speakers (W/P 5.1).  I splurged when I found a deal on some used MIT Matrix HD 60 bi-wire cables (for around $1500 IIRC). And they are a match made in heaven with the Wilsons. Some folks object to the retail MIT pricing, but they really are like a component upgrade that makes everything come together beautifully. Wilson and Magico used to use MIT (may still) in  their audio show demos. 
Morrow Cable, not bright but very accurate and not very pricey. They are made of woven Litz wire OFC copper. The improvement I heard over silver plated OFC copper was like night and day! They run 50% off specials for Agon members and trade ins. You may be able to talk Scott into extending that to you. They will make and burn in your cables in about two-four weeks. Nothing is stocked, everything is custom terminated to your specs from a wide variety of termination selections.
Not helpful perhaps but Wilsons can sound bright if your ears are sensitive to those frequencies (mine are and I can’t tolerate Wilsons). I do not think speaker cable can overcome this.