At what price point do I run into diminishing returns on an MC Cartridge?

I need to replace my MC cartridge.  I've had limited experience with them but I have certainly noticed a dramatic difference in performance.  My first 3 were priced at $500 Sumiko, $900 Ortofon and $5000 Linn Kandid.  The difference between my first cartridge and second - nearly double in price, was a very noticeable improvement.  Then I took the plunge and spent $5000 (after tax) for my Linn Kandid cartridge.  The difference and improvement in the quality of sound was startling.  The soundstage was like nothing I'd ever heard before.  Coupled with my newly acquired McIntosh MP 1100 phono pre-amp and I was hearing things in LP's that quite frankly I had never heard before.  Amazing!  So here's the question: At what price point do I run into seriously diminished returns on a cartridge investment?  I rather doubt I'm going to have "double" the quality of sound that I received with my Linn Kandid cartridge if e.g. I went up to a $10K cartridge. So, my question to you audiophiles with loads of experience, what is your opinion on what price point (neighborhood) would take me to a place where every dollar spent thereafter would yield only micro returns.  Said another way, what is the best price point to take anyone to the the same neighborhood as a person with "money to burn" on cartridges?  BTW, I realize there are probably some pearls that don't cost nearly as much - and that money doesn't always buy you love.  If you KNOW of those do tell.         
Dear @rauliruegas Scan Tech and Lyra are basically one and the same!
Scan Tech is the corp name...Lyra is the brand name. So, like I said before...the Kandid is made by Lyra...or if you prefer by Scan Tech....same folks.
Is there anything you don’t want to correct on these forums??
When your ears no longer hear an improvement!  

If this was addressed to me then i think hearing abilities is slightly better at 40 than at 60, so i have plenty of time to check various cartridges. And prior to choose inexpensive vintage MM or MC i owned modern $3k- $5k cartridges.  

Dear @daveyf  : "  are basically one and the same.... "

are not the same. Scan-Tech makes cartridges for many other companies according each company specs. 

Example Audioquest was one of those companies that used Scan-Tech and Linn is another one for several years and Scan-Tech manufacture the cartridges according Linn specs/voicing desires not according J.Carr.

My Akiva made it by ST has not a Lyra like proced sound, is really different as I'm sure the Kandid is different to the Lyra signature models. That  the cartridge body be similar to Lyra cartridge does not means the cartridge motor is simlar.

"""  Is there anything you don’t want to correct on these forums ? ""

only when exist a misunderstood or something is way wrong. I think that if you have information that put some " ligth " in a subject that can put " things " with the rigth " scenario " for not have misunderstood by other gentlemans then I think that you have to disclose that information. Obviously that's is up to you do it or not but I think that we all are here and in other forums to help us in between. Don't you think?.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

@rauliruegas  I think you like to split hairs... please do look up what that means if you don’t already know.
Kandid is made by ScanTech... owners of Lyra, a brand name like I said before. One could say that Kleos is made by ScanTech ... and branded a Lyra.BTW, I never said that JCarr was the designer of the Kandid.
Good question.  A point of diminishing returns is probably different for everyone because of unique goals.

The OP specified MC cartridges recs.  I would suggest also looking at the associated phono stage.  MC cartridges are very sensitive to loading and capacitance.  It could be that a relatively modest change in a phono stage can yield a significant audible improvement.  For example try an external stage to replace an internal stage.  Try a SUT (if you haven't before).  Even a different phono cable can have a significant impact.

As for cartridges, there is great value to be found in  purchasing older/used cartridges then having them rebuilt.   Remember that a cartridge is a mechanical device, and it does wear out over time.   I chose a Denon 103D and then had it rebuilt to Ruby Level by SoundSmith.  I could have spent more but the resulting sound is astonishingly good.  This cartridge displaced a Audio Technica AT33ML-occ (2nd from TOTL at one time).  Both were mounted into the same arm and table (Linn LP12 / ITTOK LVII) and same phono stages (ARC SP-10 MKII / AI M3a and M3b //  Both with and without Cinemag 3440 SUT).   

Several variables to consider in answering this question.