SST Ampzilla 2000 v2 vs Son of Ampzilla II

Looking for something new to drive my Dunlavy SC-IVas and am considering SST's Ampzilla offerings. My preamp is an ARC SP3. Hoping someone with a bit more exposure to them could share what they'd consider the pros and cons of each to be and whether the 2000 monoblocks are worth the extra money.
Hi! I've been using my SOA2 (220 VAC version) for almost a year without issues.

Dead silent from both unbalanced and balanced inputs. 

I use as source a Lindemann Musicbook 10 DAC/Pre, and speakers are Dynaudio Confidence C1 Platinum. 

Noticed I never followed up. The buzzing ended up being from a Roku I had plugged into the same electrical circuit. Seems to be a common issue with Rokus. They really need to be grounded and just aren't. Just found an Ambrosia 2000 PreAmp to go along with the SoA2. Excited to finally upgrade from the SP3
I have just ordered a SoA2 and Ambrosia 2000 preamp.  How do you like your setup.  Any regrets.  How do they sound?  Are you running a sub? 

I find it quite strange to read such detailed comments about certain amplifiers when the amplifiers mentioned by name do not exist.

All "Son of Ampzilla" amplifiers under the SST and/or "Ampzilla 2000" badge are stereo amplifiers with absolutely no, repeat no potential for bridging into a mono amp.  How do I know?  Because James Bongiorno told me that each channel is already bridged and on this particular circuit two bridged channels cannot be bridged again into mono.  Maybe the designer of the amps was wrong but that seems like a bad bet to me.    

So for reader's edification, every reference suggesting the existence of a "mono" Son of Ampzilla (from SST and/or Ampzilla 2000, 2 names for the same company) are simply wrong.  

Not to put too fine a point on this, but this post does not refer to any "Son of Ampzilla" under the GAS banner nor the latest/current SST/Ampzilla 2000 "Son of Ampzilla II."  What I typed may or may not also apply to those last 2 amps; I have no personal knowledge whether those 2 stereo amps can or cannot be bridged.

On a separate subject: Ed Morawski (sp?) in his review typed that dealer John Casler told him (IIRC) that "2000" in "Ampzilla 2000" refers to the transformer VA spec for the mono and stereo amps, not the year the mono versions were released. as I suspected was the case (IIRC the stereo version arrived 2001-2002.)  Further, Ed typed that Casler added that latter versions had 2400VA transformers.  I have no personal knowledge on either of these items. 

Even the current Son of Ampzilla II has 2000VA and 100k mF PS filter capacitance, two specs that IMO have never appeared in any amplifier in a similar price category, significantly more than a current $11k Levinson 5302 stereo amp.   

Have no idea about the bridging issue. I do know that a single SST Son of Ampzilla II effortlessly drives my old trusty Von Schweikert V4s to sonic bliss.😁