Upgrades to Sota Cosmos IV

Hi all,

My Sota Cosmos IV is currently back at the factory for a service and some upgrades.  I was wondering whether to do the Pump/Power Supply Series VI upgrades and the Eclipse DC motor upgrades. 

Has anyone upgraded their older Cosmos to current specs and did both of these upgrades make any significant difference to its performance? The only upgrade I was contemplating was the platter to the new magnetic revelation platter.

The costs of the upgrades be better spent on a new cartridge?


Yes Alan, all the old controls are bypassed. You can get the manual on SOTA's web site.
I have a Cosmos MK6, its a fine table. The mag lev bearing is top notch. The combination of it and the Total Eclipse motor/controller results in a noise floor floor that is way down there, and the focus of instruments along with timing is top shelf. I don't know which version of the Cosmos you have, but the IV is supposed to have the same vacuum system as the current one. 

I don't think you can go wrong upgrading your Sota. Cartridges come and go, but the improvements you are making to the Cosmos will outlast what you spend on it versus what you spend on the cartridge. 
Do any of you know whether the maglev bearing would have any effect in reducing groove noise or other record noise? Or does it only reduce low frequency "rumble" of the bearing? I currently have an old star sapphire vacuum but am thinking of buying a later model and having the maglev installed.

My hope is to reduce noise and maybe increase bass defition and or dynamics.  I would hate to drop net $3k on a used table and upgrade and find it sounds not much better than what I have now.
My table is "dead silent" now.  With a record clamp, there is a chance that groove noise is occurring on your table but I have no clue if my maglev alleviates that.
The maglev also helps to add another layer of isolation between your platter and the room.  It definitely is a shock absorber.  I also added a Townsehn Seizmick Sink.  No noise is getting through from the room.  Before you drop $3k, go listen to a table.