New upper trim level Corvette or seven year old used amps?

Recently I have experienced quite a few people I know either passing on or being diagnosed with some type of cancer. And as I have never strived to be the richest guy in the graveyard, I was thinking of buying one of the new Corvettes. I also started to look at my older tube amps, good, but I had had them for about nine years, and the whole tube thing....then I started to think about some SS amps( I know, I’m going to hell). TAD M600, Dagostino M400, and then ventured into Dartzeel territory. Long story shorter: I came upon a pair of used Dartzeel 458’s, totally crazy price, totally crazy good. I have had them about a month and have enjoyed over 100 hours of listening nirvana. Had I bought the vette and drove it 100 hours, I’d have lost my drivers license, and spent thousands on tires, fuel, fines, etc.  
myth buster: it’s all worth it! Expensive power and speaker cables, interconnects, speakers, and Dartzeel 458’s.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is using cost not quality as a determining factor.
Enjoy the music and Life


Millercarbon: wow touched a nerve, eh. You did not address my questions though. After just two years the GT40 engine was determined illegal by the FIA, so Ford pulled out. Where is the FIA based? Europe, where P and F cars are made. Why didn’t the FIA disqualify the 917 or 935 engines after a decade of dominance? Look at the early 80’s pics of Daytona 24 hrs. It’s like the 24 hrs of Porsche, with a mustang and two beemers. Also you didn’t address: why didn’t Porsche go head to head with the Audi at Lemans? Because they don’t Ike to lose, that’s why.
Fact: Porsche has made some of the best cars in the world. So has BMW and Bentley and Mercedes, and FORD!
Fact: the FIA is very political, and biased.

Sophmoric? That’s my line. And I want what you are smoking

happy holidays to all and to all a happy, healthy new year! 
I am 67 and the proud father of three grown daughters who we put through college, paid for it all, three large Italian incredible weddings and we are almost done paying off our HELOC and our first mortgage is done. So, now, it’s my turn, I have been accumulating Porsches (2) and audio equipment that I have held off on so we could get our girls off and running in life. All of my purchases are high quality preowned, Porsche Pano GTS and a 911, and Macintosh integrated and SVS subs and towers. I am a streamer so I save on other stuff. I enjoy it all 365 days of the year and for the first time in a long time I am not covering any major purchases. I am content. It’s a weird feeling, but I like it.    HI SPEED AND HI QUALITY SOUND
I've owned many my world, the Cayman is the best of the lot.  ...not the turbo 4, but the 6.  ...not the 911 in any configuration.  They(911) may be a bit faster, but in the real world, those split second differences mean nothing.
The Cayman probably is the best pure sports car currently in Porsche's portfolio. I really like the 718 body style and,  of course,  it would have to be a 6 cylinder.  I like the Macan alot, too, but I'll stick with my BMW M235 IX for daily driving for now. 

But in the world I grew up in, if you want a Porsche the 911 is proper choice. even with its "flaws" compared to the mid engine vehicle.

Area 27 track is about 40 mins from here . About the only place you can open up things like that. Theres a big mountain highway 5 minutes from here but Smokey is usually in the bushes up there so basically having one you cant use is kinda stupid around here . So Gls it is .