Is it a good idea to buy CD players over 10 years old even it is a reliable brand?

On cost consideration, I am planning to buy a 2nd hand CD Player like Accuphase DP 500 Player or Estoric X-05
which are around 10 years old or so.  The price is about US$2000~3000.  Of course, unlike amplifier, the CD player has a pick up head and mechanical gears, but even for the above brands which are famous for it's reliability, is it good idea to buy the quite aged CD players from them?

Tks. for the comment and opinion.
@melm ........................why is it many like you constantly diss a CD player and push streaming on people when they specifically ask for CD player opinions?  If these people are in these forums, then they know about streaming.  

I have both a music server and Esoteric SACD player and I much prefer playing the little disks even though the music is ripped to the server.  If I use the server, I never fully listen to whatever is chosen in its entirety, with the CD I do.  

Try to answer the question the OP asked please. 
I am using a near-20 year old Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP, and it sounds superb. Note, however, that I did replace the (Philips) laser once.

How long will it last? Don't know, but it's built like a tank. Does it sound as good as more recent models, or streaming? Well, that would depend on the quality of the components.

In any case, I reject the notion that CD players are somehow anachronistic, and the really good ones can still produce lovely sounding music.
We still have an Electrcompaniet EMC 1UP on display and as Whipsaw says it is reilable and superb sounding.

One of the great classic players.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Electrcompaniet dealer