Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
I use Ace Hardware rebar chairs. $4.99 for 20.

You’re welcome!

Outstanding..........I will admit I am a speaker riser skeptic but for an $5 tweak (for two systems) I guess I will have speaker risers now. Looks like they will fit 1/2 inch cables nicely.

My Ace hardware didn’t have them but the same brand is in stock at my local Home Depot for $3.25 for 20. Next time I drive by I will have to pick some up.
I guess we can finally close this thread. Believer or non believer just spend $3.25 and be done with it...........Unless of course till someone says you need an exotic riser made out of Mpingo wood (at $500 each) or it doesn’t work.  It will be interesting to see who will say that first.

In fact, go one step further.  Enclose all your cables in a vacuum pack.  The air around them causes the signal to deteriorate 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001%.  This is a HUGE degradation by audiophools standards.
Fellow audiophiles, if you have crummy synthetic carpet, like I do, this is a no-brainer. Around this time of year I shock the hell out of my finger touching anything metallic so I can only imagine what my cables are subjected to.

CD after CD have the clearest and cleanest presentation.


I ordered some of those Ikea tea light holders from Ikea and am getting 12 for $11 and change, delivered. With the extra holders, I’m going to elevate my power cables as well. What the hell: I’ll see if even that has a positive effect. If not, it’ll sure look nicer.

This has got to be the cheapest tweaks I’ve encountered in quite a while. I now have no desire to get a power conditioner, like the Niagara 1200 or the Puritan PM-156. Now that’s some money saved. Maybe I’ll buy a decent dress watch with the savings, like a Stowa Antea or something like it.

All the best,