Resolution Audio CD55

Has anyone heard the new CD55 player yet?? I'm trying to audition the Muse Model 9S and the Resolution CD55. It's hard to find a Dealer that carries them both.
Gary at the Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego, OR is a complete loser. If his was the only store in the world that carried the be all, end all in hi fi equipment, I would prefer to listen to the music on the AM section of my car radio than to ever deal with him again. He has no class and the worst customer service I have ever experienced. Terrible attitude. Trust me on this one... I am being extremely conservative in my description.
I also had negative experience with Gary at Audio Gallery, and ended up purchasing my Muse Model Two DAC-- with two week audition-- from a very helpful store in Wisconsin.
Anyone else? (Experience with Muse 9S & Resolution CD55). Sorry you guys had problems with Gary, but, thanks for the warning.
While I am not surprised that someone might want to compare the CD55 and the Model Nine Signature, I am somewhat (make that very) concerned by the comments about The Audio Gallery. Can anyone relate their negative experience with this dealer. I have always found Gary and Cindy to be very easy to deal with from my perspective (being a manufacturer). While this is very different from being an end user I am still surprised about these comments.
Kevin, it is wonderful to see a manufacturer, particularly a head man, out here mixing it up. Some people have the idea that designers are entombed within vaults, separated from the rest of the world. In my experience, many, many of these guys ARE out in the field, putting some wear into their shoes. Really glad to see you are one of them! Have a lot of respect for your company. While I have yet to buy anything(I'm a tube man), I've studied your products a good deal. In my particular focus is your digital equipment, very highly regarded. I've yet to jump in as I(like a lot of us), are waiting for the SACD/DVD-A format war to be waged. If you put a gun to my head, I'd say DVD-A would prevail. In the meantime, I've foolishly resisted upgrading my CD player over the past 3 years because I was overly optimistic in my assessment of when the new stuff would be here, and how it would shake out. Again, great to see you here.