The new NSMT Model 100 Speakers

Hello Audiogoners -

We recently visited Terry London's house (audiogon member "Teajay") to hear the new NSMT model 100 speakers.  We were truly amazed by the sonics of these speakers!  Still while at Terry's house we called the owner of NSMT Loudspeakers, Erol Ricketts to discuss the details of the speaker and possibly becoming a dealer.

Since then, we have become a NSMT dealer and ordered our own pair of Model 100 speakers (due in very soon).

For your reading pleasure, please check out Terry's new review on 6moons about these beautiful sounding speakers.

Happy Listening...
Audio Archon - NSMT dealer
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I have been to Teajay’s place a number of times and I felt this speaker was much better than the Tekton Ulfs IMHO. The imaging of these speakers is staggering. Almost like a time machine bringing you to where the original performance was conducted. They also are tonally excellent and they seem to check all the boxes!
i still think the Teckton Moab and perfect SETS are incredible bargains. I liked the Moab’s better than the Ulfs even though Teajay disagreed. The perfect  SET is ridiculous for its price. I have not heard the smaller NSMT speakers. Mike Kay have you received your Monitor 100’s yet? It would be interesting to hear them in a different environment!
Audio Archon now has received their demo pair of Model 100 speakers and they are breaking/settling in as we speak.  Mike Kay is experiencing the same superlative and special sound production that I have in my system.  So, if you are in the Chicago land area you could contact Mike and setup an audition to hear for yourself what makes this speaker so special.  

I have had another three guests that did not want to go home after listening to these playing the music they brought with them to audition them with.  Everyone founds them totally engaging on an emotional level that makes the music a beautiful experience.  I still think of them as Harbeth 40.2 with "balls".  If you know what Harbeth's offer regarding color/tonality and imaging, the Model 100 has these qualities with even better dynamics and deep low end extension. From opera to pounding rock these speakers can play it all.   
The NSMT model 100A speakers have arrived in the beautiful Sapele wood finish!  Just getting some hours on them and getting them in the right spot.  Yes, indeed they have the MAGIC that was heard previously at Teajay’s house!

Just for the record...the Harbeth 40.2 ABSOLUTELY HAVE BALLS!!!

Happy New Year!
Audio Archon - NSMT dealer