Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
But who are the naysayers?  Are they the ones that refuse to allow their claims to be tested, or the ones who encourage the tests, even admitting to their own fallacies?  I think those honest with themselves, know who the real naysayers are. It is a generally accepted truth that those that refuse to allow their claims to be tested, that avoid all attempts at verifying their claims, and that make up excuses for why those tests won't work (and make up excuses that don't jive with accepted facts), are the ones that are not honest, at least with themselves.

nonoise5,200 posts12-22-2019 1:38pmI think there is an awful lot of projection from naysayers as of late. They cling to certain bias diagnosis (from afar) and neglect the ones they fall victim to.

Fear of change can be a large predictor of one's perception to any manner of topic. The lengths one will go to to remain in their bubbles is astounding.

Some sacred texts never change, no matter what we know or learn. Texts related to science are always being updated as we learn.
cleeds2,645 posts12-22-2019 1:39pm There are also fundamentalist zealots, who insist their infallible sacred texts reveal all the truths that are to be known.

However, most here are fundamentally chasing the same thing questioned by the OP:  Is there a way i don't know about to improve the sound of my music--in this case raising speaker cables off the floor--some say they hear a difference, some say no way--for me if the tweak is cheap enough i'll try it without needing to do scientific research--if it isn't cheap i probably won't (well, except maybe room treatment which seems the most credible tweak on this forum).  It's always interesting to hear why or why not but the purpose of this rabbit-hole hobby is for audiophile fanatics to decide for themselves--by listening--and if they hear a difference they like there is no amount of physics, electrical engineering etc. that will convince them it doesn't exist--i too am skeptical of those who won't accede to measurement testing but that also presumes that all of our measurements systems are infallible--are they ?  So i'm going to try this tweak if only because a few credible individuals with reasonable dialogue have said it "can" (not "does") make a difference and for $10 i can listen for myself.
And in the end, there is no "tweak", nonsense or not (nonsense IME) that makes, or could conceivable make, a calculable fraction of the difference that exists between a good recording and a bad/mediocre recording. A good performance or a bad/mediocre performance. So personally, not being terminally OCD, I have no desire to try endless tweaks - most if not all with no supporting rationale *why* they might, maybe, possibly could do something - using my "reference" best recording to see if some minute difference, on the ragged edge of perceptbility, might manifest itself.  But hey, it's your time and your money.  Just save use the pseudo science handwaving and 'my ears are golden, yours are brass' arguments please.

Carry on, this has been a hoot so far ;-)
Note to self: there appears to be a growing schism between advanced audiophiles and the average Joe Blow in the street. And ne’er the Twain shall meet. Hey, that rhymes! Assuming these forums are a microcosm of reality which they probably are.