"American Sound" Speakers

There's a lot of discussion about and descriptions of the 'British/BBC' sound here, and I'm pretty clear on what that is. As a Rega owner, and fan of Avalon and Harbeth, it's safe to say that this is my preferred sound at my current stage of development.

But what comprises the "American Sound?" What are some example brands or specific speakers that exemplify this sound?
i.d guess klipsch, old ar's, jbl, advent, boston, polk and the bane of audiogon,,,,bose. ha. with all the speaker designers and companies out there i guess i had better include martin logan and magnepan. gosh who did i leave out? i am sure there will be a few beat downs coming my way for ommissions. but these are american speakers by american designers that started my obsession in the 60s.70s. good question thanks
I don't know about "American Sound" or rather, what that might be, but I can think of a few really great American speaker designers. P.W. Klipsch was already mentioned. Jim Thiel. Richard Vandersteen. A few comparatively young bucks: Lou Hinkley (Daedalus), John Wolf (Classic Audio Reproductions), Duke Lejeune (AudioKinesis). I'm not sure if you can distill a particular approach or sound from that group, but they come to mind when I think of great speakers made in the U.S.A.
Is there a characteristic frequency response curve associated with 'American' designs, as there is for 'British' designs?