Quad ESL service, Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ?

      My Quad ESL 63 US Monitors are finally needing help after 28 years of good service. Has anybody worked with Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
                      Regards, Mike
@osborn  Sounds like you may need to remind Wayne P that there is a legal avenue available to you here in the US...it's called small claims court- and might be necessary for you to investigate. 
Pity that we get to hear these horror stories on these folks...particularly after they have 'supposedly' garnered a good reputation.
Grateful for the advice, especially about the US small claims court. Had assumed that because I am a UK citizen, it wouldn’t be an option.
Just needed to search online. It is.
@osborn  From one fellow Brit to another, you are welcome..:0)
Good luck.Merry Xmas.
Electrostatic Solutions is superb. I purchased a total rebuilt pair of ESL 63's. Kent was great, good communication, and great work and warranty on his work. I would use him again with No reservations. A+++
Two buddies of mine living in the NY area, and both who happen to own "63s, used Sheldon Stokes to work on their speakers. They both cannot say enough about the positive experiences they both had. Just an fyi.....A Happy and healthy holiday to all.