Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Footers

Replacing the spikes in my Soundocity outriggers (Soundocity made me a set of outriggers with threaded holes) with the Isoacoustics Gaia 2 footers has improved the sound of my Merlin VSM speakers.  They now sound more open and articulate than with any combination of Z-feet or other spikes, with or without outriggers, on the floor or on a platform, that I've tried.  Like the Townshend products the Gaia footers completely decouple the speakers from the floor, allowing them to float.  See:

"....The thing that concerns me most is that, on the footers the speakers wobble when you push them. On spikes they were rock solid. Hopefully I will get used to this. But overall, I am glad that this tweak worked for me and the money is well spent."

Speaker wobble/movement will cause audible distortions. That needs to be addressed.  
@turnbowm,I reached out to IsoAcoustics and that is by design. No issues at all. I love what the Gaias are doing in my system - especially the bass and spaciousness.

@phillyb ,In a philosophical mood eh? I have read a few user reviews that indicated what you mentioned. In my system, I lost neither weight or body. In fact it became much more tight and resolving. Did you try the Gaias in your system? MusicDirect allows you to return them, if they don't work in your system.
"....I reached out to IsoAcoustics and that is by design. No issues at all. I love what the Gaias are doing in my system - especially the bass and spaciousness...."

If you're happy with the sound, that's all that matters.  
The greater the ease of motion in a particular direction the better the isolation. So, the challenge is getting the greatest ease of motion without getting things unstable. That why there are usually three of four isolators instead of just one, even though one would have much lower resonant frequency than three of four. You need the lateral stability to prevent things flopping over.