I tried to read the JL article. Really, I tried. But I have this problem. Always been a problem, but seems to be getting much worse as I get older. The problem is first of all, I’m really good at spotting crap. And second of all, and this is the part that gets worse, the growing lack of patience dealing with nonsense, especially from people and sources who should know better. This JL Audio piece with all its bold statements and bold fonts highlighting the BS has my meter pegged.
So instead of commenting on all the crap and word salad nonsense, which would take like forever, here’s the one tiny little bit they did get right:
The only correct way to add a subwoofer to system is to define everything above the subwoofers range as an entity;... and then ... the subwoofer is one way and everything above it is the ‘other’ way.
Notice the ellipsis (...)? That’s because even around this one little bit they did get right is a bunch of stuff they got wrong. The part they screwed up is cut out. Thus ....
That’s it. The one thing they got right: low bass is one thing, midbass on up in frequency is another. Of course they can’t say "thing" they say "entity" which is just bad writing. People with little to say and even worse understanding always think big words will make up for their lack of content. As. If.
The truth is everything above the sub really is a whole different thing from everything below. If all their timing technobabble was even halfway true then a mix of four or five different subs randomly positioned around the room would surely be the worst possible bass. Instead of the best. So there you go.