Considering Rogue Audio or P.S. Audio

Currently have Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum Integrated and want separates.  I'm running them into Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S speakers at 4 ohms.  Considering the Rogue Stereo 100 and RP5 or RP7.  Also looking at P.S. Audio BHK Signature pre- and BHK amp.  I am aware the BHKs are more expensive but would like feedback on this comparison and if you have any other ideas (no shortage here I'm sure).
By the time you add sufficiently good enough interconnect and power cord separates are so cost prohibitive relative to equally good or better integrateds I would look at something like the Raven Reflection MkII integrated long before I would even consider separates.
I just put in an order today for a BHK Signature preamp. I used to have an RP-7 and I thought it lost out in terms of neutrality, bass power and transient attack compared to the Pass XP-22 that replaced it. As much as I like the Pass, I’ve also come to feel that it’s missing the visceral impact that Jim Austin credits to the BHK in his comparison to the Pass. I think the Pass may be a bit reticent in the upper bass and lower midrange, a critical area that has to be right. So now I’ve decided to give tubes a shot again. The BHK measures better than the Rogue. All of the glowing reviews and Bascom’s videos have convinced me that I need to check it out. I also have a PS Audio DS DAC and P20 regenerator that I’ve been very happy with, so I feel like this is a good move. I’ve also been on sort of a quest to reduce or eliminate engineered global feedback, since I think that’s important for my time and phase accurate Vandersteens.
Do you have any noise issues with your Rogue integrated? I constantly had hum in my speakers no matter what I did with my CM2. A shame because I loved the Rogue sound but it kept me from moving up the Rogue Audio chain. Have you thought about Linear Tube Audio? Also the Luxman tube separates (CL-38uC & MQ-88uC) are excellent components. 
Thanks for the advice.  I have considered Pass Labs and Luxman as well.  I think I may close in on the PS Audio BHK series.  I've got the PS Audio Directstream DAC and was blown away by the improvement in my digital signal path.  I actually didn't fire up my VPI turntable for several weeks after getting the Directstream.