Binding Straps vs Jumpers

My Salons come equipped with solid binding straps between the low and high frequencies posts. I have Kimber Select 3033 speaker cables. Would I benefit in anyway with Kimber 9033 jumpers? Or just blow some more dough on my hobby unecessarily?
Dotto what Elizabeth said. The question is, if you can bi-wire, why aren't you already? Then again, you could take the next step and bi-amp. As long as we're blowing money unnecesserily.
I can barely afford one set of KS 3033'S let alone another pair!
I will try the jumbers in preference to the gold plated steel.
I have the Salon ones , and got a small but important improvement after purchasing matching Transparent jumpers , spade on one end locking banana on the other , so not to interfear with the primary wire . To long ago to tell you what I heard different , but I recall being happy with the money spent , $500. Not much when you consider the total cost of the system .
If you want some SERIOUSLY fast, transparent jumpers at a near giveaway price, the answer is the Mapleshade copper ribbons at $25 or $35 a pair. I had been biwiring my Mirage OMD-15s for two years when I decided to get a single run of Zu Libtecs last May. That then set me on a quest for jumpers. I tried basic Monster, AudioQuest Type 4, Kimber 4TC, and AQ Type 4 + Kimber 4TC combined. Tried 'em with the main cables going to the woofers, then going to the tweeters, and then one to each. Still wasn't quite satisfied.

So for $35 I got the Plus version of the Mapleshade Ribbon Jumpers. Holy cow! Who would ever think that 2-1/2" of any kind of conductor could make that much difference? Everything snapped into focus. The soundstage expanded. My system reached a new level of clarity and revealed that the amp section of my switching integrated amp was a little too dry. Fortunately I had a nice big class A/AB transconductance amp handy and inserted it and that fixed things the rest of the way. This LP-sourced 2-channel system now delivers a level of resolution I never heard in my home before. Even digital sounds more organic.
Johnnyb53 ... your comment ( SERIOUSLY fast ) brings up a question , I always believed , electricity traveled at the same speed regardless of size or type of conducter , correct me if i'm wrong .