Looking for Speakers circa 2K

After almost 20 satisfying years with some stand-mounted Paradigm Studio 40 v2s, I want to see if I can make a significant speaker upgrade without spending a ton of money.  I am running a McIntosh C41 preamp, MC202 Amp and all my digital inputs go through a Chord Qutest DAC.  I also use a decent ML sub.  My living room is pretty small 13' x 19'.  Speakers are 10 ft apart and the listening chair is about 13' from my two-channel system.
I am thinking of monitors on stands again, although I would consider small towers.  I really prize soundstage, clarity and dynamics.  I listen to a lot of dense percussion and acoustic music - Afro-Cuban folkloric music, Americana, jazz...

There are no real hifi stores here (Spokane WA) so I am hoping you can lead me in the right direction.  Thanks in advance, David.
There is a nice pair of Spendor A5R’s floor standers listed here for $1500. They would go perfect with the type of music that you prefer. They are small enough for your room size. I am a long time Spendor owner and always enjoy them . You should grab those Spendors I doubt that you would go wrong with them!!
+1  Spendor  will be a huge jump up from what you have .
Nothing will come close at 1500 $  !
Several good choices available right now. 

On Audiogon:
- Silverline Audio Prelude Plus small floorstanders, $999
- Usher Audio Dancer Mini-X DMD monitors, $2200
- Gershman Acoustics Avante RX20 floorstanders, $1750
- Amphion Audio Argon 3LS floorstanders, $2500

On US Audio Mart:
- Amphion Argon monitors, $1500

All these throw off impressive 3D imaging/soundstage, and all of them will significantly better the Paradigms in all areas.  I think one of the Amphions or the gorgeous Ushers (with a diamond tweeter) would probably be the ones to focus on given your preferences.  Joseph Audio would also be a fantastic choice but nothing available in your price range right now.  ProAc would be another great choice. Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search.