Need recommendations on stand mount speakers

So my secondary system consists of the following:

VPI Prime TT + Nagaoka MP500 cart
Parasound JC3+
AR Classic 60 (60 watt tube amp)
Acurus LS 11 line stage preamp
Vandersteen 2ce speakers

 my room is rather small, 12 x 13 and I’d like to experiment with some stand mount 2 ways that will have a similar sound to the ole Vandersteens but more open.  

Im considering used but my brick and mortar is limited to Magnolia stores. I heard some B&W 2 ways ( not the metal tweeters, but the lower model) and they sounded nice but at $4k +/- that’s more than I’m willing to spend. 

Im thinking $2k +/-.

any thoughts?
Older ARC and ProAc all day long... maybe the Response 2. You’ll need some nice stands to do them justice though.

A lot of the best speakers in this category are not from the major manufacturers, but rather from Fritz, Watkins, Buchardt, etc.

Looking at today's listing of monitors, if I were deciding today I'd choose between the Proac, Silverline, Harbeth and Graham models offered there in your price range.

Also recommended Harbeth, try C7es3 .
We have similar room and most my system work with Harbeth .
I’m try several speakers (in virtual) but harbeth stay till now .

I also had Vandersteen 2CEs that I loved but, after moving to a smaller (11' X 12') listening space, they didn't work out as well. I just didn't have enough distance from my listening position to the speakers to provide a proper blend of the drivers.

I was looking for a near-field solution and found it in the Kef LS50s with their coincident/coaxial drivers. The LS50s were very revealing and I was forced to do some room treatment that I had been putting off for so many years. Next up was the addition of a Rel T/5i subwoofer to fill in the bottom end that was missing when I got rid of the Vandies. All things considered, I couldn't be happier with my decision and think you would be too.