Need recommendations on stand mount speakers

So my secondary system consists of the following:

VPI Prime TT + Nagaoka MP500 cart
Parasound JC3+
AR Classic 60 (60 watt tube amp)
Acurus LS 11 line stage preamp
Vandersteen 2ce speakers

 my room is rather small, 12 x 13 and I’d like to experiment with some stand mount 2 ways that will have a similar sound to the ole Vandersteens but more open.  

Im considering used but my brick and mortar is limited to Magnolia stores. I heard some B&W 2 ways ( not the metal tweeters, but the lower model) and they sounded nice but at $4k +/- that’s more than I’m willing to spend. 

Im thinking $2k +/-.

any thoughts?

A lot of the best speakers in this category are not from the major manufacturers, but rather from Fritz, Watkins, Buchardt, etc.

Looking at today's listing of monitors, if I were deciding today I'd choose between the Proac, Silverline, Harbeth and Graham models offered there in your price range.

Also recommended Harbeth, try C7es3 .
We have similar room and most my system work with Harbeth .
I’m try several speakers (in virtual) but harbeth stay till now .

I also had Vandersteen 2CEs that I loved but, after moving to a smaller (11' X 12') listening space, they didn't work out as well. I just didn't have enough distance from my listening position to the speakers to provide a proper blend of the drivers.

I was looking for a near-field solution and found it in the Kef LS50s with their coincident/coaxial drivers. The LS50s were very revealing and I was forced to do some room treatment that I had been putting off for so many years. Next up was the addition of a Rel T/5i subwoofer to fill in the bottom end that was missing when I got rid of the Vandies. All things considered, I couldn't be happier with my decision and think you would be too. 
Rarer than rocking horse poo in USA, the Lenehan Audio ML1's (the steel plate lined ones, 2nd gen in the deeper enclosure) or ML2.
Can possibly be found on

Reference versions run cast Duelund, some lesser models have the VSF and Duelund cast resistors. I used to build them on the Gold Coast for Mike.

Any brave souls, genuinely interested I'd answer any questions on how they are actually built. Goggle them, the reviews will tell you what they are, especially Stereonet forum by members of the community, not paid off reviewers.