Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?

Schumann Resonators are little boxes you plug into the wall that produce electromagnetic radiation tuned to 7.83 Hz. This is the frequency that the earth/atmosphere system “rings” at when the Earth is struck by lightning. It is also a common frequency your brain “ticks” at.

When employed in the listening room, many people claim it makes their audio sound better. If this is true, then what is the mechanism of action?

-Is it a matter of the resonator producing a more relaxed mental state?
-Does it help block or alter electromagnetic interference?
-Does it add its own electromagnetic interference to your system that just so happens to be pleasing?

I experimented with one recently and what I noticed is that it seemed to remove some of the high frequency nasties or what some might call “digital glare” (although digital glare can also show up in analog systems). When I made this observation, the resonator was placed right next to my power strip that my CD player, preamp and some other devices are plugged into.

My “proof” of the effect is that I could turn the volume up louder than usual without it sounding “too loud.” The sound levels of the system weren’t any quieter, it’s just that the digital glare was reduced so that I could go louder before thinking “this is too loud,” which usually isn’t a sound level thing per se but the point as which some frequency (often the highs) become irritating.

So who here has experience with these devices? Do you like them? Does anyone know why they work?
Jupiter and beyond, NASA and Schumann resonance.

Excerpt from NASA report on human performance issues for manned space missions:

NASA Contractor Report 33-42


Human Performance Issues Arising From Manned Space Station Missions

10. One contact believes that the 🔜 absence of low-frequency radiation🔚 can have some physiological consequences. He said that this radiation is commonly referred to as Schumann resonance. Speaking to this subject he said:

"Within the ionosphere-Earth surface cavity there is, I think, about an 8-Hz to 32-Hz oscillating field with a series of peaks in that field that is generated by lightning storms on Earth, but the net result of all that electromagnetic activity is that we’re exposed from conception to death to this oscillating field, and there is some evidence that if you play with that field here on Earth, particularly by superimposing a 5-Hz, 4-Hz, or 3-Hz field on what is already there (and it is very difficult to isolate the individual from it unless you go underground) and you get some neurological problems. It does affect people, and it is probably related to what happens to you when you get a relatively low-frequency strobe light flashing at you. A lot of people feel very very uncomfortable neurologically when that happens. In space, of course, it’s absent. Once you get above the ionosphere that field is absent, and there is some concern among physicists who have a background in neurophysiology that there might be an instantaneous effect contributing to the Space Adaptation Syndrome, but they are more concerned about what the long-term effect may be if the brain actually uses that frquency on occasion or continuously to reset it’s own timing signals in it’s central processor. So, I would FLAG that as an unknown.”
Discussions are endless on these units, but one think is certain. If properly installed they make an amazing positive improvement to systems that already are functioning at a high level. One of the best tweaks ever. 
How does a Schumann resonator generate a 7.83 Hz signal in the room given that the antenna size required would be in the order of 25,000 miles?
Since the Wisconsin project was able to accomplish its goal using a shorter antenna by linking with a second transmitter located in Michigan, I am going to guess the commercial Schumann resonator generates its 7.83 Hz signal in the room while using a short antenna by generating two higher frequency waves with a difference of 7.83 Hz, which create a resultant frequency of 7.83 Hz. 
Bingo! You answered my original question. So you win the prize of Machina Dynamic’s brand new product, Flying Saucers on Afterburners (3). PM your shipping address. Looks like all your work on “that project” in Wisconsin is finally paying off. 🤗
Either way ... Mahgister, I am not a Schumann resonator advocate, but I expect that the accuracy is sufficient to be within the range of the typical resonance.

>>>>That’s so funny! You say that without any evidence at all. You obviously don’t know the first thing about it.