Speaker cable recommendation

Hello all.
looking for some recommendations for a speaker cable. I know they are very system dependent. So here we go.
my system is as follows:
plinius 8100 integrated amplifier 
musical fidelity cd player
rega planar 25 turntable
B&W P6 speakers
my interconnects are Kimber kcag, cardas neutral reference, and audioquest lapis
im considering Kimber 8tc, Cardas cross, signal cable, etc.
im looking for a bi wire setup.
thanks all,
best regards,
I think with your speakers you will be very happy with the Kimber 4TC and not sure you’d benefit any with the 8TC as the 4TC is going to deliver everything to the lower frequencies you’re speakers are capable of. Just buy a single run, meaning not a biwire set and use jumpers instead at the speakers. If you’re buying direct from Kimber I’m sure they can make a jumper set for you or just buy a foot more cable per side and build your own. 
Until you figure out what you want, try the Blue Jeans Cable Canare 4S11 bi-wire setup for really cheap.  They use welded terminal connections to eliminate the solder and dissimilar metals issue blah blah blah.  Seriously though for short money you just might not feel the need the swap them out.  I just put them in m system and I am shaking my head (in a good way).
If you want to try out Blue Jeans contact me. I have a set of the Belden 10g 5000 series cables that are basically new.... Great cable for the $$$. I've changed my system and the run lengths no longer worked.
After trying many cables over the last 20 years from the exotics to cheap basic cable I have finally settled on the Blue Jean Cables. I just did not hear and noticeable differences in cables that were selling for thousands of dollars versus hundreds of dollars. 

I am sure many people will chime in with their experiences. Good luck.