Believe it or not I have "downgraded" from Avalon Eidolons to JM Lab Utopia Divas (call me crazy but I spent quite a bit of time modifying them, in stock form they are terrible, but I got tired of the Accuton ceramic tweeter of the Avalons). Read my review of the Diva Utopias and you'll know what my system is like.
Silverline's are pretty good and Alan Y is a nice guy. I listened to the Boleros and are quite impessed. Definitely all-round better than Thiels.
Back to Mikey44, you can definitely trust Art's opinion when it comes to Thiels. What kind of music do you like, and sonic presentation, and what power amp do you have?
In terms of
Believe it or not I have "downgraded" from Avalon Eidolons to JM Lab Utopia Divas (call me crazy but I spent quite a bit of time modifying them, in stock form they are terrible, but I got tired of the Accuton ceramic tweeter of the Avalons). Read my review of the Diva Utopias and you'll know what my system is like.
Silverline's are pretty good and Alan Y is a nice guy. I listened to the Boleros and are quite impessed. Definitely all-round better than Thiels.
Back to Mikey44, you can definitely trust Art's opinion when it comes to Thiels. What kind of music do you like, and sonic presentation, and what power amp do you have?
In terms of