Thanks for sharing this experience, Coach. I too have an XA-25, which is a wonderful amp as you know. I've never tried using its stock power cord because it is too short to be suitable for my setup. Instead I use a 12 foot Signal Cable MagicPower Digital Reference cord, and I've been very pleased with the results.
That cord is nominally intended for use with digital components, but I selected it because (a)I wanted the double shielding it provides, to prevent possible coupling of amplifier-generated noise into my phono stage which is in close proximity to the cord, and (b)the 12 gauge conductors it uses are fine in terms of voltage drop, given the 2 amperes that are drawn by the amp as long as it is not asked to supply so much power that it leaves class A (which means the vast majority of the time in my case).
Enjoy! Regards,
-- Al